
I'm learning to embrace my uniqueness in a world that tells me it's safer to be like everyone else.
My calling is to inspire others to bring more creativity, connection, and ease to business and entrepreneurship. I'm also highly intuitive, a mom to two amazing humans, and an
accidental entrepreneur.

I didn't know this was my calling...
In the spring of 2016, I was running a daycare out of my house when entrepreneurship fell into my lap. My youngest was heading to kindergarten in a few months and I was hoping to transition to something different when one of my very best friends asked me to help market her business.
I had just spent 5 years reheating my coffee all day while I chased tiny humans around. This felt exciting and scary. Before I knew it I had a handful of clients and had shut the daycare the very month my daughter started school!
I've grown from a side-gig at my kitchen table, to a full-blown business inspiring other people to follow their dreams.
Now everything makes sense!
My business has evolved 1001 different ways and continues to surprise me. At times I've wanted to give up, but this journey is just beginning and I have learned so much about myself and my own inner strength.
In 2022 my entrepreneurship journey led me to meditation teacher training. As a devoted meditator and advocate for self awareness, this felt like the right next step in my evolution.
Seeing how meditation guided me from being stressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated in business, to clarity, ease, and flow, it felt important to share this gift with others.
Being an entpreneur is a conduit for personal growth. Much like any relationship, your business will test you and push you to your limits. You'll want to give, run away and hide at times. But when you discover the gems that are hidden in the evolution, success ultimately finds you.
I wouldn't trade this crazy journey for the world.

My Vision
For people around the world to discover to their truest self and use their innate gifts to create great impact for themselves and others.
My Mission
To inspire entrepreneurs to create impact and income with ease, in a way that supports their business, their family, and their own well-being.
My Core Values
Practice Inclusion
I empower human connection by valuing and honouring all belief systems. I respect others by creating space for everyone to feel seen and heard.
Exemplify Grace​
I embrace my humanity and offer grace to myself and those around me.
Express Gratitude
I recognize every human is doing their best, on any given day. I constantly express my gratitude to those around me for showing up as their true, authentic self.
Seek Simplicity​
I believe continual learning is both humbling and imperative for growth. I also believe it doesn't have to be complicated. Simple is better, in everything I do!
Balanced Well-being
I know that balanced well-being is fundamental to creating a fulfilling and thriving environment. I also understand that balance looks different for everyone and I support individual needs.